Tuesday, December 21, 2010

cuci-cuci mata

ari ni mls sgt nk menulis
sebab tu blog lama dah tak update.hahahaha
byk keje la plak.
berbalik kepada topik *cuci mata:
sebenarnya nk crite,kt tmpt ak praktikal ada la ramai budak2 baru masuk kerja kena g kursus,ala-ala orientasi mcm tu.
ramai la budak-budak laki n perempuan.
biasa la muda mudi remaja pakaian mesti update,make up2 cam opera,rambut ade kaler2.
normal la kot bg dorg.klu ak, xberkenan aihhhh!tp ak cuci jela mata.
ade la budak laki yg 2 3 ketul hensem.hahahah
yg perempuan biasa la, grooming yoooo.mmg disuruh pon.so tak kisah la.maknanya training tu berkesan la tuk dorg ni. *BAGUS la kot.
lopeh tu den pon nengok jela bdk2 ni..
dak laki suka la tgk pempuan dress up cantik2.so gedik tu ade la tertimbul.
so sebenarnya,takde issue pon.saje mengisi blog.hahaahah.
kuang kuang kuang.

Monday, December 13, 2010

wat i've done

morning all.
hows ur day people?
im just doing great.
well, i would like to share something that this mrning was juz horribled and nervous was surrounded me.
i swear, i freaking nervous to the max bcoz i drove alone all the way to my office!
duuhhhh,lorries like to takeover and main acah2 kan.
sumpah ak geram.tp cool je.
selamat jgk smpai ke ofis.
now i having time on blogging, so meaning i ve lots of leisure this morning.weee~
at 1pm get ready for lunch.
i want to eat!
thats all for now.bubye.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


hai kamu semua!
sudah pukul 5.30,kerja tamat sudah.
nk gosip skit,PA Dato' tgur ak.die msuk dlm ofis den,
sah2 lah die nmpk muka ak dlu sbb meja ak btul2 kt pintu masuk ofis tu.
fuhhhh..baik plak die tegur ak.hahaha
die bkn ckp pe pn,die ckp * awk x dpt sijil lagi*
ye laa,kn aritu ak g dgr ceramah boss die,so kire ak layak r dpt sijil.
mslhnye mulut ak gatal cakap *ohhh..takpalah (sambil tersengih)
sumpah menyesal tolak tuah.
pastu staff2 yg len dgr ak borak2 dgn die,ade la sorg staff ni kata *ohh dah jadi kawan eh dgn PA Dato'
ak mampu gelak je.
tu je nk cte.
 ~the end~


haiii semua,
ape nk story eh?
ari ni terserempak dgn Dato Haji Fadzillah Kamsah lagi,
semalam pun nampak beliau lagi.
rupa-rupanya beliau ada bagi talk lagi dkt tmpt praktikal ak.
smpai bila,ak pun x pasti.
mesra je die.senyum kt semua orang. *i loike!

pas tu today, mcm biasa do editing for report.
bkn report yg thesis tu,repot yg lain.
officer tu minta tolong,ak pon tolong je la.

 nk cte gak psl smlm,ak ad talk start pukul 4.30 - 6.30pm.
pas tu penceramah kata nk add few minutes,ak bajet 10 minit ke 15 minit,
rupa2 nya die drag satu jam.*hamik ko!
ak sah2 la da tak fokus.kul 6 lagi ak da xfokus dah,
ak ingt ak sorg je,rupanye,staff2 lain pn sma gak,
yg best,ada yg dah cabut dlu.*hampeh je.
nsb bek ak x drive sorg2 smlm.
klu x,mampus la ak.kne drive mlm n ujan lebat plak an.
*haruuu je.
gasak laa.ape2 pn redah je la dgn COOL!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

awal muharram

SELAMAT MENYAMBUT TAHUN BARU kepada semua umat Islam sekalian.
moga2 tahun baru ini ade perubahan yang baik dalam diriku serta kejayaan dan kebahagiaan.
my target:
*jadi more positive,friendly,lovely and gorgeous,
*graduate on time wif flying colours,
*then get employ in well known and big company,
*get more happiness in all kind of relationship that i have,
*mahu tingktkan amal ibadat.

*specify wat u want, so u can achieve it and so when u advice a person to change*
got this message from Dato' Haji Fadzilah Kamsah.

Monday, December 6, 2010

suatu pagi yang indah.....

hye.right now im at the office.sigh*
take a break kejap.
today,i came in to the office and lots of paper on my desk.
tokojut den!
smpai2 je keje da byk da.cool je.msuk2 senyum.
cik abg sebelah den ni la,die bercuti die tglkn keje tuk ak.
slh ak gak, pegi pesan buat ape.
kan dah!amikkk ko.tp xpe.rilek je*
kt ats timbunan paper tu,ade terselit nota,ak da cuak da.ingt kn nota dri secret admire ke ape,ghrupanye
nota sruh ak lipat2 paper tu n abg tu pesan sruh bagi skit kt sorg staff tu tolong lipatkn.
dan2 je staff tu cuti jgk an.hahaha.
cool je*.nasib bek la abg tu hensem.hahaha.ooopppss!
tp ak lipat paper tu skit je,sebab kne edit repot tuk officer yg lain plak.
tu je nk cerita.heheehe 

Sunday, December 5, 2010


ohhh.esk kne g keje..
mood lazy!...
rindu la plak nk g klaz and jumpa kawan2,pas tu lepak2 kt kedai abg mat(cafe dkt fakulti ktorg).
oooooohhoooooiiiii korang bile laa boleh jumpa.????jumpa time hasta la vista laa jwp nye.
masing2 busy dengan praktikal sekarang nih.facebook pn ak lyn x lyn je.
sekarang addicted dgn blog plak.hhahaah.
okey nk tidur dah.esk kne bangun pagi nk g keje.nite all.

oopps: me miss someone!ok dah.sweetdream.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


diriku kini kembali menaip.heee~
nk share skit,aritu ade dengar talk(khamis) dari Haji Fadzilah Kamsah.
hohoho.artis weiii ak jmpe.*berlagak skit.hahaha.
Beliau sebenarnye dtg ke tmpt praktikal ak utk bagi motivasi tuk pekerja2 level profesional BSN,
jadinye ak pn amik kesempatan konon2 jd urusetia tuk BSN laa an.smbil2 tu ak dgr talk yg beliau bagi.
best jgk  ceramah beliau.kelakar!hahaha.nti ak share dgn korg pe beliau smpaikn okey!insyaAllah.
beliau sgt sporting,and korang jgn jeles ak talk one to one dgn die.heeheheh.*berlagak lagi.
pas tu dpt bergambar n autograf die.cool r Dato' nih.die layan je ak *satu2nye budak yg lain sumenye org2 tua umur 30 ke ats. hahaha.mampus ak klu dorg bace.
seharian ak dgr ceramah beliau.dari pukul 8.30 pagi smpai 5.30 petang.mmg superb!mcm2 ak blaja n ak dpt ilmu.
korg nk tau pe ak dpt??
ak blaja cne nk tidur,berak,kencing.summpaahhh tak tipu.
dengar cam *apo nih* tapi benda tu bagus r tuk kte sume.
tp basically ceramah beliau mengenai *transformasi*..khas tuk golongan profesional ni tuk mengubah diri menjdi bos yg baik.
ex:cne nk tegur pekerja supaya die tak kecik ati.
ak blaja cne nk kenal personaliti manusia.sume tahi lalat korang tu ak boleh tau korg ni mcm mane.haaaa!
nti klu ade kesempatan diri ku akn share info2 ni yea.insyaAllah

autograf.cool je Dato' ni sign kt pencil case ak.

Dato' and Nabilah-memory

ni la peserta2 yg dengar ceramah tu.

ni time beliau bagi ceramah.

staff2 sume bergmbar dgn beliau.coooll je!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

practical days

last monday,i went for practical registration.everything went well.
at first day i was assigned a task related to training practices(tna).huhu
but im not doing it alone,im just helping the officer to do her work.
at first time doing such analysis,i feel like pening2 skit.heee~ 

as for today, im enjoyed lots of leisure.(sempat berchatting ag an.haha).
but still carrying clerical task.(macam lipat2 kertas gitu)
and so far i juz being quite and not misbehaving.hehehe.newbie ma,xde berani nk jd gila2.
tomorow,i will attend a talk handle by Dr.Fadzillah Kamsah. =.=

uuumm.to talk about the workplace,i would say the environment is good,the staffs are friendly and foods are awesome.EATING LIKE HEAVEN.hahaha.
pay rm6 per day and eat until you vomit.
about parking, no problems at all.HEAVEN.no fee charge!

AND  for yesterday,it was my FIRST time drive on the highway..!!!scary okeh..but redah je r an.terpaksa.weeee~dah la lori byk,kete byk n laju2.aiiihhh.moga2 sumenye berjalan dgn selamat.